Ice shuts down roads, schools

Ice shuts down roads, schools


The Madison Parkway Bridge over the railroad remained closed on Wednesday, although city officials said they hoped improving conditions would allow them to open it in the afternoon.

Madison County schools remained closed and some like Madison-Ridgeland Academy had delayed starts on Wednesday.

“Public works and police personnel continue to monitor the bridge and a decision may be made soon to re-open it as temperatures continue to rise,” Madison police captain Kevin Newman said.

Ice on roadways was dissipating throughout Madison County after temperatures began to rise after plunging Monday night and Tuesday morning topping out at barely 27 degrees on Tuesday afternoon.

Despite the bridge being closed, Newman said most of the roads are dry and clear of ice, albeit there are still small patches of ice, particularly in shaded areas.  

“Motorists are urged to continue to proceed with caution and to remain vigilant for these small iced areas,” he said.

Alan Hart, public works director for the city of Ridgeland, said drivers “should continue to use caution” but noted that despite “a few icy spots in shaded areas” roadways were driveable throughout the city and he expected conditions to continue to improve as temperatures continued to rise.

No major incidents involving injuries or serious damage have been reported in Madison County.

Glcukstadt Police Chief Barry Hale said there was a rollover accident at the 113-mile marker between the Gluckstadt Road bridge and the Sowell Road bridge on Interstate 55 on Monday evening.

He said there were no injuries reported. Hale went on to say the city expects ice to be largely clear from the roads by Wednesday evening.

“We only have one spot on Gluckstadt Road with a small amount of ice and it was salted over this morning by Public Works. All other roadways are clear of ice,” Hale said on Wednesday “The problem spot on Gluckstadt Road should clear up by this evening.”

Newman in Madison also reported no serious issues.

“There were no serious accidents or incidents related to the recent cold weather,” Newman said. “We did have a few cars that slid off the road and needed assistance as well as a couple of 18-wheeler trucks on the interstate that encountered problems from ice on Monday night, but all were able to get on their way after receiving assistance.”

Both Canton Public Schools and Madison County Schools announced closures for Tuesday and Wednesday but are expected to be back on schedule Thursday.

“We are scheduled to resume classes on Thursday, January 18th, when the Madison County Emergency Management authorities say our scholars and staff can safely return to our regular schedule,” a statement from CPSD said. “Please stay safe and weather aware.”

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