Master Gardener sale April 29
Madison Master Gardener Marcia Barron said the Metro Master Gardeners Annual Plant Sale will be filled with plants to purchase, including heirloom and pass-along plants.
“We have a variety of naturalized and unique plants,” Barron said. “We’ve cared for these plants for the last six months at the Mynelle greenhouse, and other gardeners have taken care of the plants at their own greenhouses. These pass-along plants are rarely found at local nurseries and are primarily passed on from one person to another.”
Barron has been a Master Gardener for the past 12 years and is excited for the plant sale this year.
“We’ve been caring for these plants for months and it takes a tremendous amount of involvement,” Barron said. “I was always interested in gardening, and when I had the opportunity to become a Master Gardener, I took a class through the MSU Extension Service. We all have a big interest in gardening and growing plants.”
The plant sale will once again be at the Mynelle Greenhouse in Jackson at 4736 Clinton Blvd. on Saturday, April 29. The sale begins at 8 a.m. and lasts until noon.
“Overflow parking will be at the Mynelle Gardens office area,” Barron said.
Shoppers can purchase plants with cash and checks.
Members of the Metro Master Gardeners come from all over the Jackson metropolitan area to take part in the sale, and have propagated a wide variety of native and naturalized heirloom plants, perennials, shrubs and trees that are perfectly suited to southern soils and climate. Many of these heirloom plants have come from project and demonstration gardens located throughout the metro Jackson area. Shoppers will find a wide variety of plants at unbeatable prices.
The Master Gardeners are a certified branch of the Mississippi State University Extension Service that advises and educates the public on gardening and horticulture issues. Members of the Metro Master Gardeners will be on site at the plant sale to answer any gardening-related questions.
After finalizing their plant purchases, shoppers are invited to enjoy a free stroll through Mynelle Gardens.
Proceeds from the plant sale go towards supporting gardening projects located at Mynelle Gardens, the Doctor’s Herb Garden at the Agriculture & Forestry Museum, the Oaks Home on Jefferson Street, Greenwood Cemetery, Clinton Visitors Center, and various demonstration, educational and scholarship projects in the metro Jackson area.
For additional information, please contact Laura Lillard at (601) 613-5223 or and follow the Metro Master Gardeners Facebook page.
For more information about becoming a Master Gardener, go to the Mississippi State University website, and search “master gardeners” in the search box. The plant sale will also have a sheet with this information available.