Interest high to create Gluckstadt Rotary Club
The Gluckstadt Rotary Club is well on its way to having a charter in about a month following a Tuesday night meeting about interest
“It is going to happen,” said Mark Doiron, a Madison businessman and Rotarian spearheading the effort.
Doiron, a member of the Madison-Ridgeland Rotary Club, is helping to start the Gluckstadt club.
He hosted the interest meeting at the St. Joseph Catholic Church Parish Hall.
“I think those who attended were excited and asked a lot of questions,” Doiron said.
Eight people showed up for the meeting. Doiron said another three or four people called him and said they either had commitments with their kid’s schools or were out of town but wanted to be involved.
The Gluckstadt club will need to sign up at least 20 people to charter but Doiron said his goal is to get a lot more charter members than that.
“It's historical,” Doiron said. “Having your name on the charter of a club, that's forever.”
Doiron said a core group has already formed that has committed to going over paperwork and handing out membership forms and information flyers. He said those who have reached out include city officials, first responders , and local business owners.
“One guy lives out in Lake Caroline and he said he knew 10 or 12 people out there who might be interested,” Doiron said.
The Club hopes to charter sometime between May and June.
“We are going to start recruiting members next week,” Doiron said.
He noted meetings are organized around a meal, usually breakfast or lunch but could be held in the evenings as well.
“This will all be up to the Gluckstadt membership,” Doiron said.
Doiron said Rotary meetings are held weekly for one hour with a meal, fellowship, and speaking programs that will be of interest to the membership. He also said club socials are encouraged throughout the year involving Rotarian families as well as business associates.
“Rotarians with their diverse backgrounds come together to exchange ideas and form meaningful, lifelong friendships as well as a long record of addressing challenges in their communities and around the world,” Doiron said.
Doiron said he joined the Madison-Ridgeland Rotary Club in April 1987, just a month shy of being a charter member. During his career with Rotary, he has served as a district governor in charge of some 40 clubs in the region and has helped found clubs in Flowood and West Jackson.
Rotary International was started in Chicago in February 1905.
For more information, contact Doiron at (601) 260-1601 or by email at