GETTING THE MESSAGE/Colossians 4:3-4

GETTING THE MESSAGE/Colossians 4:3-4


The Apostle Paul here asks for prayer for himself and other leaders in church. "Pray for us" is an acknowledgment of the apostle's dependence upon God to make his ministry fruitful. Undoubtedly, Paul prayed for himself and his ministry continually. Nevertheless, he didn't leave it at that; he knew the Lord had tied the spread of the gospel, the growth of Christians, and his faithfulness to the prayers of the saints.

Paul, as an apostle, had extraordinary knowledge of the Scriptures and understanding into the meaning thereof. Yet he was very aware of the stewardship (Chapter 1:25) the Lord Jesus had given him over the Gentile churches especially, and here asks for prayer that he would proclaim the message with clarity (verse 4). He worked, studied, prayed, and yet knew he needed the prayers of others.

So we have a great lesson here. Christians are obligated to pray for ministers in their preaching of the Word of God. Ministers are obligated to be diligent in preparing and preaching, but also to be aware of the need of the Spirit of God to make it effectual, and solicit the prayers of the saints.

Paul also knew prayer was necessary due to the spiritual blindness of men. Men are naturally opposed to the truth of God. Paul asks that the saints would pray for an "open door" for the Word of God. The "gates of hell" are entrenched in this world. An open door is needed on all fronts.

First, for opportunity to proclaim the gospel. The devil opposes the preaching of the word in various ways including institutions of men. The whole world seemed to be opposed to the small band of apostles in the first century, both Jewish leaders and Roman officials. How did the gospel spread with such opposition? It was the Lord responding to the prayers of his people (Acts 4).

Paul and Barnabas, in Acts 14, report to the church in Antioch after their mission trip. They tell the saints that the Lord had "opened a door" to the Gentiles for the gospel. They meant they were able to have opportunity and gain an audience for the gospel, as well as the Lord gave men faith to believe in the message.

We shouldn't take for granted the right preaching or right response to the gospel. It is the Lord that facilitates both. Your own response to the gospel is in the Lord's hands. In Acts 16 we read that the Lord "opened" the heart of Lydia to respond to the gospel message. You may very well trace her (and your own) good response to the gospel to the prayers of saints.

The growth and perseverance of Christians is also tied to responding to the Word of the Lord. In Revelation 3, the Lord tells Christians who are lukewarm in their faith (due to prosperity) that they are in need to respond to his Word. He stands at the door and knocks, and they are obliged to open the door of their heart to his Word. We are often warned not to harden our heart to God's Word.

Individual churches also need to pray for an open door from the Lord for their faithfulness. The Lord tells the church in Philadelphia (Revelation 3) that he has given them an open door to be able to maintain faithfulness even in the severe tribulation that this world has in it. The metaphor of an open door should remind us of our complete dependence upon the Lord and we should pray accordingly.

We also see in verse 3 Paul asking for an open door to declare the "mystery of Christ." This "mystery" is a wonderful thing to consider deeply. It's not a mystery in the sense the message is hidden. It has been openly declared from heaven. Rather, it is a mystery in the sense of who can plumb the extent of the riches of Christ?

The eternal Son of God (through whom all was created), taking our flesh (born of a woman), working miracles, being crucified by men, yet saving enemies of God by suffering the wrath of God in their place on the cross, being vindicated by the Spirit in being raised from the dead, and who now reigns in heaven over all, ever living to intercede for his people.

We underestimate sin and overestimate ourselves until we are able to see the wonder of Christ, and how great a salvation he rendered. Therefore pray the Lord would open doors for the gospel.

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