City to host first National Night Out on Oct. 3

City to host first National Night Out on Oct. 3


City officials are looking to partner with community members for the city’s first-ever National Night Out slated for early October.

Ruth Marie Stogner, a grant writer for the city, is organizing the event. She said Gluckstadt City Hall in conjunction with Gluckstadt Police and Gluckstadt Fire would like to join your neighborhood, community group, or faith-based organization for the city’s first National Night Out on Oct. 3, a Tuesday.

“We will have representatives from City Hall, Public Works, our Fire and Police Departments, and other city agencies there,” Stogner said. “If anyone has a question there will be someone from the city on the spot to answer.”

Stonger said the event could be anything from a more formal civic meeting to a cookout or ice cream social. She said homeowners associations, businesses, churches and even private citizens could contact her about putting an event together.

NNO is a nationwide event to promote community relationships.

“It started as a grassroots organization and is now a big national event meant to strengthen community ties specifically between city officials, residents and businesses,” She said.

Additional information about National Night Out can be found here

Anyone interested in the event is encouraged to call City Hall at 769-567-2306 or reach out to Stogner directly at

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