City renews mosquito contract

City renews mosquito contract


RIDGELAND — A mosquito control contract extension with an Arkansas-based company was approved recently following pushback from one alderman.

The contract approved with VDCI starts on April 1 and runs through Oct. 31 and was approved at a regular meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen on Jan. 17. The city will pay $142,146.90 in seven monthly installments of $20,306.70.

Ward 2 Alderman Chuck Gautier said the job VDCI is doing is “light years” ahead of the results the city got when they sprayed themselves.

“I have been impressed,” Gautier said.

The decision to contract with a private company to handle mosquito control was a key item of discussion. This will mark the fifth year the city has used the company.

Ward 3 Alderman Kevin Holder said that last summer he had an issue with mosquitos where he lives and had others in his ward complain as well.

He said he had trouble contacting a VDCI representative and did not see trucks spraying as regularly as he did when the city did the spraying.

“Whatever they were doing was not killing the mosquitos,” Holder said.

Ward 4 Alderman Brian Ramsey agreed, saying he had similar issues.

Mayor Gene F. McGee reported he had observed no problems in his area, but he said by June mosquitos were particularly bad.

Alderman-at-Large D.I. Smith agreed that mosquitos had been bad lately but said it was due to unusually wet weather and noted that anyone with issues should report to the company so that they know where mosquitoes are worst.

It was also pointed out that the company would be implementing a new website available to customers that would show information like spraying schedules and other measurements.

Gautier motioned to approve the contract and Smith seconded. The item passed 6-1 with Holder casting the lone “nay” vote.

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