City applies for grant to widen Weisenberger
A Weisenberger Road widening project could go a long way to improve traffic flow in Gluckstadt, Mayor Walter Morrison said.
“Traffic is our single largest issue,” he said.
The city has co-sponsored a grant application with Madison County for Federal Transportation Program funds for $2.7 million from the Central Mississippi Planning and Development District. Morrison said Gluckstadt would have to match the grant with $50,000 of city funds.
Morrison said the money would be used for a proposed widening project of Weisenberger Road from Highway 51 to Parkway East.
“Anywhere we can alleviate traffic congestion is a good thing,” Morrison said.
Madison County will provide 100 percent of the costs for Environmental Phases Services, Preliminary Engineering Services, Right-of-Way Acquisition Services, and Utility Relocation Services for the project as well as their own match for the construction of the project.
Morrison said he has “no timeline” for when they expect to hear back regarding the grant much less for the project as a whole but said he is happy the city is co-sponsoring the grant application.
The Gluckstadt Mayor and Board of Aldermen approved an interlocal agreement with the county for the grant application at a specially called meeting on Monday, Feb 19.
The southwest corner of Highway 51 and Weisenberger Road is the target location for the proposed Gluckstadt MegaDome Sports Complex announced last month.