6th Annual Mississippi Black Business Expo

6th Annual Mississippi Black Business Expo

Mississippi Black Pages and the City of Jackson present the 6th annual Mississippi Black Business Expo Saturday, August 21 at the Jackson Convention Complex.
This event is calling all black-owned businesses in Mississippi to attend. 
Along with the businesses represented, this year's expo features business workshops, a food court, and a family fun zone. Vendor spaces are limited. All businesses that had registered and paid to participate in 2020 are automatically registered for this year but must contact Mississippi Black Pages to update their information prior to the expo.
Click here to film out the form to register. 
Email msblackpages@gmail.com or call 601-675-2596 for more info.
Event Date
Saturday, August 21, 2021
Event time
12:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Cost / donation
Free admission, vendors' prices vary
Mississippi Black
Pages, 601-675-2596

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