Israeli consul takes economic tour of metro

Israeli consul takes economic tour of metro


An Israeli official on an economic fact-finding mission met with several state and local officials in a three-day trip last week.

The trip included a meeting with Gov. Tate Reeves, a dinner with economic development officials, and a tour of the University of Mississippi Medical Center and Jackson State University.

The Mississippi Development Authority partnered with Anat Sultan-Dadon, the Consul General of Israel to the Southeastern United States, in organizing the official visit. Sultan-Dadon said she and her staff received a “warm welcome” in the Hospitality State.

"This visit has reaffirmed the warmth and enthusiasm that characterize the relations between Israel and Mississippi,” Sultan-Dadon said of her visit. “The shared commitment to progress and partnership is truly inspiring.”

The visit began on the Gulf Coast and ended Wednesday, Aug. 30, in Jackson.

During her visit to Jackson Sultan-Dadon held meetings with economic developers, elected officials, and academic institutions. 

This included a Tuesday evening dinner with about a dozen MDA officials, representatives of the business community, Madison County Economic Development Authority Executive Director Joey Deason and other economic development officials from throughout the state.

Deason said he was happy to see the dinner was at Koestler Prime in the Renaissance in Ridgeland and noted the consul general was “thoroughly impressed” by the meal and what Madison county has to offer.

Deason said he hoped the opportunity arose for him to show Sultan-Dadon more of what Madison county has to offer.

“I look forward to a future opportunity presenting itself,” Deason said. 

As to what specific projects may result from this visit, Sultan-Dadon said, “That will be up to the private sector in Israel,” but she did note that during the dinner she was informed of the opportunities in Madison County including at the Madison County MegaSite and the land that will open up as the Reunion Parkway extension over I-55 begins construction. She said that was part of “an exciting time of growth” she was shown during her visit.

Sultan-Dadon said she hoped to organize a future visit to Israel for Mississippi officials as well as foster future relationships between the state and her home country whether those ties be economic or academic.

“We want to show Israelis what Mississippi has to offer and it has a lot to offer,” she said.

Her visits to Jackson included Jackson State University, COFO Civil Rights Education Center, the University of Mississippi Medical Center, The Mississippi History Museum and Museum of Civil Rights, and the Beth Israel Congregation.

Discussions revolved around identifying opportunities for collaboration in trade, investment, and education, reinforcing the shared interests and ties between Israel and Mississippi, Sultan-Dadon’s office said in a press release.

The highlight of the visit, according to Sultan-Dadon, was an audience with Gov. Reeves, in which the Consul General was honored with a special proclamation marking Israel’s 75th Independence Day.

“It was my pleasure to welcome Israeli Consul General Anat Sultan-Dadon to Mississippi,” said Governor Tate Reeves. “I enjoyed discussing economic development and how we can further improve the lives of our citizens. For almost 75 years, our countries have worked together as close allies, and I look forward to making Mississippi’s partnership with Israel even stronger over the coming years.”

In remembrance of the presentation, Sultan-Dadon said, “As we celebrate Israel's 75th Independence and 75 years of robust relations between Israel and the United States, we look forward to further strengthening the bonds that unite us and exploring new avenues for mutually beneficial collaboration."

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