Gluckstadt Police Station construction delayed
The brand new $8 million Gluckstadt Police Station and Municipal Court building will be delayed by about a month.
According to Gluckstadt Police Chief Barry Hale, the new building, originally slated to open late next month, will now open in late September or early October.
Hale said the construction setbacks have to do with getting power to the building, which would take longer than initially projected. A memo from Benchmark Construction to city officials says that “certain finishes cannot be undertaken until there is a climate-controlled environment” inside the building.
Otherwise, Hale said the project is “going smoothly,” and he is not aware of any significant change orders.
The building is located at the corner of Gluckstadt Way and Church Road, just south of Germantown High School at 140 Gluckstadt Way.
The new building is estimated to be around 14,000 square feet and will house the Municipal Court, holding cells, dispatch, and offices. The building itself will cost about $6.9 million not counting the costs after dispatch is implemented along with furnishing and access control.
Hale said a Safe Haven Baby Box made possible by a $25,000 fundraising campaign is in storage and will be installed at the facility before it opens.
The box was approved by the city board in November, and in December, they announced they had reached their fundraising goal.